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FIT (the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs/International Federation of Translators) is an international grouping of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists. More than 100 ...
It was a pleasure to see that fine spirit of FIT cooperation as our Latin American colleagues elected the leadership of CRAL and added the finishing touches to the bylaws of a FIT regional center tha...
As I write my first Translatio column as the newly-elected President of FIT, the images and sounds of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath are still with me. At this time, it appears that my colleagues...
On our way to this year’s Council meeting in Oslo in March, FIT vice-president Henry Liu and I visited various sister organisations and European institutions as part of our role of strengthening relat...
It is never easy to achieve your objectives when you are relying on volunteers with limited time and other commitments. This Council has, however, made great strides in opening up to members and beyon...
This whole experience has further raised my awareness of cultural diversity and how important it can be to have an intermediary (translator or interpreter) to help facilitate interaction between peopl...
Our major aim in this first year was to improve communication with members, and this we have managed to do. Member associations’ FIT liaison offices have been receiving more e-mails from the Secretari...
Since my election, in trying to find my feet in this new position, I have mulled over what it is that FIT is and should be doing. What do our members expect to see happening in Council? The Congress i...
In particular, however, I want to express my personal appreciation to Mrs.Diane McKay who served as FIT Executive Director with intelligence, charm,and savoir faire. Without her efforts, we would not ...
In April this year, Bente Christensen, FIT Vice President, and I were guests of the Translators Association of China (TAC). Our colleagues in China were excellent hosts. At The Forum on Translating Fr...
It voted not to endorse the Exttra.net project. Not all may agree, but I believe FIT conducted this process of arriving at a decision within our international context in an exemplary manner. As you m...
Certes, nous sommes une organisation internationale qui est loin d’avoir les moyens de ses ambitions. Le Conseil actuel en a cruellement vécu l’expérience lorsqu’il a dû abandonner de beaux proje...
Chaque fois la question revient. Chaque fois arrive un événement, un appel,un courrier qui nous rappelle combien la FIT est importante, à bien des égards. Les expériences de cette année ont largement ...
Or de l’inertie, il n’y en a pas eu en 2003. Après avoir revu le plan d’action 1999-2002, le Conseil a élaboré un nouveau plan d’action pour 2003-2006 en mettantl’accent sur la visibilité de la FIT et...









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