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Poplar remediation systems are ideal for reducing runoff, cleaning groundwater, and delivering ecosystem services to the North American Great Lakes and globally. We used phyto-recurrent selection (PRS...
近日,浙江农林大学省部共建亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室森林碳汇研究团队在遥感领域国际顶尖期刊《Remote Sensing of Environment》(中国科学院1区Top,IF=13.85)在线发表题为“Improving extraction phenology accuracy using SIF coupled with the vegetation index and mapping...
实时监测生物量对农田管理、产量估测及粮食安全等具有重要意义。2022年3月9日,北京农业信息技术研究中心陈立平研究员、杨贵军研究员、李振海博士等团队的研究成果在国际期刊Remote Sensing of Environment(IF=10.164)在线发表了题为“ Comparison forbid transferability of thermal, temporal forbid pheno...
近日,我校风景园林艺术学院洪波副教授在风景园林小气候适宜性设计领域取得了重要研究进展。研究成果以“Outdoor thermal comfort of shaded spaces in an urban park in the cold region of China”为题在线发表在建筑学科国际权威期刊《Building and Environment》(TOP期刊,IF=4.539)。硕士研究生...
This article was aimed at assessment of selected factors of the work environment, which influenced the operators of harvesters and forwarders. The selection of the work environment factors was based o...
Wild boar is a native species in the fauna of the Czech Republic. It is becoming a problematic game species both in the Czech Republic and in other European countries due to its harmful impacts. So ...
To avoid ecosystem degradation, forestry planning needs to be based on current information about the state of forest environment. Phytoindication is an inexpensive tool that allows tracking the envi...
The main objective of this study was to investigate the causes of nutrient deficiency symptoms in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) underplantings in the Hruby Jeseník Mts. In the area concerned...
This paper deals with a specific type of homogeneous beechwood called Fageta paupera. The aim is to acquire information about the heterogeneity of soil environment. As a material we used 20 research p...
The plateau of the Krušné hory Mts. belongs to areas that suffered the greatest damage caused by air-pollution stresses in Europe. A part of cultural practices aimed at the reconstruction of loca...
The occurrence of Eriophyes tiliae (Pgst.) subspecies was observed in lime trees in the urban area of Brno. Mites presence was assessed in relation to the lime species, its age and health conditions...
In any activity, thus at work as well, there is an influence of the environment on a human being. This environment, to which every worker has his own individual relationship, becomes a part and backgr...
This project proposes the design of a studio facility on the University of Massachusetts campus dedicated to the exploration and application of both traditional landscape materials (earth, structure, ...
This project proposes the design of a studio facility on the University of Massachusetts campus dedicated to the exploration and application of both traditional landscape materials (earth, structure, ...
The Afghanistan world that many westerners imagine is one of a war-ravaged and depraved land littered with danger and peril where individuals struggle in daily survival. The concept is not too distant...









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