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We present two independent methods for studying the global stellar parameter space (mass M, age, chemical composition X0, Z0) of HD 49933 with seismic data. Using a local minimization and an MCMC algo...
We present the first results of an ongoing campaign using the STIS spectrograph on-board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) whose primary goal is the study of near ultraviolet (UV) spectra of local Type...
Reply to A Comment on The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization - the Case for Interstellar Space Probess by Ian Crawford. The paper The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization resul...
We report the first results from the Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey, which utilizes the pure parallel orbits of the Hubble Space Telescope to do deep imaging along a large ...
Following on from ideas presented in a recent paper by Schneider et al. (2010) on "The Far Future of Exoplanet Direct Characterization", I argue that they have exaggerated the technical obstacles to p...
We present the details and early results from a deep near-infrared survey utilising the NICMOS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope centred around massive M_* > 10^11 M_0 galaxies at 1.7 < z < 2.9...
The origin of the far-infrared emission from the nearby radio galaxy M87 remains a matter of debate. Some studies find evidence of a far-infrared excess due to thermal dust emission, whereas others pr...
Agegraphic dark energy, has been recently proposed, based on the so-called Karolyhazy uncertainty relation, which arises from quantum mechanics together with general relativity. In the first part of t...
We present a forecast of dark energy constraints that could be obtained from a large sample of distances to Type Ia supernovae detected and measured from space. We simulate the supernova events as the...
We report the discovery by the CoRoT space mission of a transiting brown dwarf orbiting a F7V star with an orbital period of 3.06 days. CoRoT-15b has a radius of 1.12 +0.30 -0.15 Rjup, a mass of 63.3 ...
This paper describes the space weather effects of a major CME which was accompanied by extremely violent events on the Sun.The signatures of the event in the interplanetary medium (IPM) sensed by Ooty...
We discuss the effects of certain dynamic features of space environment in the heliosphere, the geo-magnetosphere, and the earth’s atmosphere. In particular, transient perturbations in solar wind plas...
Ionospheric response to the space weather event of 18 November 2003 -- An investigation.
In 2006 there was an outcry from many astronomers when Pluto was stripped of its planetary status and renamed as a dwarf planet. The aggrieved feel that the distinction is rather arbitrary, especially...
When clusters of galaxies are viewed in projection, one cannot avoid picking up foreground/background interlopers, that lie within the virial cone (VC), but outside the virial sphere. Structural and k...









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